Cement Remover RX Hold



Product Short Description: Highly concentrated and powerful penetrating agents materials which is effectively react with cement to loosen the bonding strength . Best results can obtain on dry surface of cement. RXSOL'S R & D has developed this molecular cement dissolver as an alt
Product Technical Specification:

RXSOL-22-2202-025 turned this vulnerability into an opportunity. "Back-Set" safely removes hardened concrete from a variety of difficult to clean surfaces. It break down the ionic bond in portland cement, releasing the cement from any surface to which it has adhered.

This liquid mixture specifically designed to deal with hard cases of cement cargo deposits or dry cement stains. Its proven advantage is the provision of immediate penetration and complete dissolution of cement, the result being a thorough cleaning.

Chemically Back-Set converts the positive ions in the hardened matrix into negative ions, which dissolves the cement into mud that can be rinsed away. Because it works chemically, rather than mechanically, Back-Set may be used to remove cured concrete, mortar, grout, and stucco from virtually any surface without harm.

ACTIVE MATTER         : 98-100 %

WHY RXSOL-22-2202 is better ?

Biodegradable & non flammable , Economical very cost effective
Safe for paint, chrome, aluminum, glass, rubber, plastic, brass & stainless
Dissolves cured cement, concrete, mortar, grout, stucco
Cleans aluminum
Also comes with a foaming spray nozzle
Will not remove rubberized cement
Suitable for the removal of cement deposits and dry stains.
Due to its higher concentration its chemical reaction is very fast.

It's chemical combination meet the requirements of paragraph 1.8.2 of the P&A Standards.


Cement Remover cum cleaner plays an important role to clean cement without scrubbing, which is resulting and damaging the smooth surface.  Its simple application method also helps to save manpower. Youtube cement remover video available with this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJzrh60-q5w

Hashtag: #MarineChemical #TankCleaner #OilFieldChemical #ChemicalManufacturer #ChemicalSupplier #WaterTreatmentChemical #ROchemicals #ReverseOsmosisChemical #Dispersant #Demulsifier #WaterlessHandCleaner #AirC
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Deck Cleaner



Product Short Description: DECK CLEANER protects the surface from scratch as No hard scrubbing or rubbing is required. Easily cleans oxidation (graying), mold, algae, and in some cases, a very deteriorated stain that has failed
Product Technical Specification:

RXSOL brand other valuable chemicals products, RXSOL NEW ORG, Degreaser,ACC Coil Cleaner, Carbon remover, Rust remover, Dish wash, Hand cleaner etc.

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Filter Cleaner Engine Oil



Product Short Description: Very usefull to clean fuels recipitation of paraffin and asphalt or with lubricating oils mixing of different types of oil can form solid encrustations on the mesh. It is heavy duty emulsifying liquid , which is Extremely and effectively removes tenacious
Product Technical Specification:

RXSOL-16-1095-025  is a fluid cleaning and degreasing agent with a wide range of application. It can be used for practically all cleaning and degreasing purposes.
RXSOL-16-1095-025 cleans rapidly, thoroughly and extremely economically.
Use of RXSOL-16-1095-025 renders safety precautions superfluous.
RXSOL-16-1095-025 has these outstanding characteristics without exhibiting the
isadvantages of solvent cleaners.

RXSOL-16-1095-025 is non-flammable and free from caustic

This product is biologically degradable

RXSOL-16-1095-025  can be undercooled or overheated during storage but remains fully usable when returned to normal temperature.

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Enviro Degreaser Cleaner



Product Short Description: Engine room and deck cleaning and degreasing chemical which is very effective to dissolve oil grease deposits and spill parts.
Product Technical Specification:
A unique blend of emulsifier, penetrating agents and wetting agent make this an excellent liquid degreaser and cleansers. Very effective for the control of cleaning and degreasing.  All ingredients are biodegradable and safe to the persons handling it. Pleasant citrus odour. The scientifically advanced versatile cleaner can be used for tank or general cleaning.

RXSOL-20-3001-025 Also useful for Platform Mopping.


Environmentally  safe .

Highly effective Water-based degreaser.


Orange liquid

Ingredients are all biodegradable

Flash point:

(PMCC)°C: None

Non-flammable , Pleasant  citrus odour.



In g/cm3 at 15°C: 1.0

Highly  cost effective concentrated cleaner Very economical dilution rate, 1 to 15 parts of water.



No known effect

No known effect

Can be used as Accommodation cleaner for bulkheads, decks and toilets. Compatible  on most types of plastics and vinyls floor




, RXSOL-20-3001-025

           25 /  210 Lts

Versatile can be used for tank cleaning or general cleaning, RXSOL-20-3001-025 has numerous general marine cleaning & degreasing applications including the removal of greases, oil, sludge, polymer compounds, carbon deposits, general dirt and grime.Phase separation after cleaning, releasing the oil phase for reclamation. 
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Hydrocarbon Remover Hcf



Product Short Description: HCF cleaner supplier in mumbai, jnpt, mundra, sikka, kandla, hazira, kolkata, haldia, ennore, paradip, manglore, kakinada, vizag visakhapatnam, ennore, chennai, krishanpatnam, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharajh Middle east.
Product Technical Specification:


  • Removes grease, oil, carbon deposits, soil and grime.
  • Keeps loosened deposits in suspension preventing re-deposition.
  • Low toxic.  , Non-flammable.
  • Free from hydrocarbon solvents.
  • Effective and economical in use , Water-based cleaner.
  • RXSOL-20-2008 has numerous cleaning applications including removal of greases, waxes, oil, sludge, soot, carbon deposits and general dirt and grime.
  • Non-corrosive to ferrous metals.  Suitable for all tank-coatings.
  • Can be used for gas and hydrocarbon freeing of tanks.
  • Can be used for deodorizing
  • Contains wetting agents.

Note:- Completely miscible with sea water.

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Alkalinity Control



Product Short Description: Concentrated liquid alkaline product for corrosion and Calcium scale control in boilers.
Product Technical Specification:

Testing control procedure

  1. Test water sample from the water boiler as described in the direction of the  Alkalinity Test Kit ( p & m Total ) http://www.rxmarine.com/Alkalinity-test-kit
  2. Determine the present alkalinity value expressed as ppm CaCO3 .
  3. Desired level of 100-150 ppm as CaCO3.
  4. A control test for the alkalinity  of the water should be conducted after 3- 6 hours from the application.

Mechanism: It converts calcium hardness into soft, non-adherent sludge that is easily removed by blowdown.

The presence of alkalinity in a water sample may be due to many different substances.  However, for the sake of simplicity, the presence of bicarbonate, carbonate, and hydroxide ions is commonly considered as alkalinity.  The points of change in colour of phenolphthalein and methyl orange indicators, which occur at pH 8.3 and pH 4.3 provide standard reference points which are almost universally used to express alkalinity.

Very high alkalinity values can be undesirable in an industrial water supply.  For example, the presence of a high methyl orange alkalinity should be avoided in boiler feed water because of the resultant carbon dioxide content of the steam.  Carbon dioxide usually is responsible for the corrosion of steam and return lines.  High boiler water alkalinities are also undesirable because the presence of high hydroxide ion concentration is the primary cause of caustic metal embrittlement. A very high boiler alkalinity can also lead to an undesirable carryover condition.  On the other hand, the alkalinity of boiler water must be sufficiently high to protect the boiler metal against acidic corrosion and to ensure precipitation of scale-forming salts.  Usual treatment approaches include setting both a minimum alkalinity level and an operating range.

Hydroxide alkalinity may be determined by adding barium chloride prior to titration to precipitate the carbonate ion from solution, allowing direct titration of the hydroxide alkalinity.  Measurement of hydroxide alkalinity is also used to control lime soda softeners.

In cooling water systems, alkalinity is of major importance since the total alkalinity of a water is one factor that must be considered when predicting the tendency for the water to precipitate calcium carbonate scale.  Depending on the choice of chemical treatments to protect against corrosion and scale formation, the operating alkalinity and pH ranges are chosen to balance these two features.

Alkalinity Titrimetric Method (0-200 ppm) 

Principle Theory

This test is based on the determination of alkalinity by titration with standard acid to the phenolphthalein colour change (or to a pH of 8.3) and to the methyl orange colour change (or a pH of 4.3).  For determination of hydroxide alkalinity only, barium chloride is added prior to titration to precipitate the carbonate ions.  Titration is then taken only to the phenolphthalein endpoint.  A pH meter may be used instead of the indicators to determine the endpoints of the titration.

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Degreaser Heavy Duty



Product Short Description: Powerful Emulsifiable Solvent Degreaser with dispersing agents. Readily soluble in water in all proportions. It is non-corrosive to metal like copper, aluminium, mild steel and plastic. It is non-toxic which makes handling easy.
Product Technical Specification:


1st Method:-
Mix 1 part of RXSOL-10-1005-025 with 2 -10 parts of water / GAS-OIL  , For heavy oil,greasy surface use directly)Spray directly on the entire surface to be cleaned. This can be achieved by Hand spray / mechanical spray pump. Immediately after 2 -5 minute of spray the RXSOL-10-1005-025 starts its function. The Dirt, oil grease etc will loosen. 5 to 6 minutes after spraying start rinsing the system with water (High pressure recommended). Dirt and mud starts vanishing with cleaning media and water.

2nd Method:-
Application in immersion process with or without ultrasonic support, manual wipping.

3rd Method:- 
RXSOL-10-1005-025 is also used in conjunction with alkaline degreasing bath at 3-5% (v/v) concentration for better and quick degreasing action. Eithers the bath is heated to be 70c or the solution can be stirred or air agitated.

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Boiler Coagulant



Product Short Description: A concentrated solution of surface-active polymers which is use as an internal sludge conditioners in boilers. Boiler Coagulant prevents the formation of deposits on boiler internal surfaces.
Product Technical Specification:









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Biological Toilet Cleaner



Product Short Description: Highly concentrate water-based cleaner for use as a Biological Toilet Cleaner or general degreasing. It contains wetting a unique biologically active liquid formulation containing specialised bacterial strains, biodegradable low foaming chemical clean
Product Technical Specification:



Green liquid



8 .0  -  9.0



In g/cm3 at 15°C: 1.02


Flash Point

(PMCC)°C:: None






No known effect



No known effect



Order No.:



Rxsol RT 2002 A 

Non-returnable boxes of



25  litre plastic jar.

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Metal Coat Protective



Product Short Description: RXSOL METAL COAT ( protective coating ) , FOR PROTECTION FROM CORROSION - NUTS & BOLTS ON PIPE
Product Technical Specification:
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