Product Short Description: This product is designated as ACS Reagent grade and meets the specifications of the American Chemical Society (ACS) for reagent chemicals.
Product Technical Specification:
Chemical Properties
: C6H8O7•H2O
Molecular Weight
: 192.13
: Solid
: 1.542
: Hygroscopic
: Soluble in water, ethanol and ether. Partially soluble in methanol, diethyl ether. Insoluble in n-octanol.
Physical state at 20 °C : Solid.
Colour : White
Odour : Slight nitric acid odor
Odour threshold : No data available.
pH value : Not applicable.
Melting point [°C] : 30 °C
Decomposition point [°C] : N/A
Critical temperature [°C] : N/A
Auto-ignition temperature [°C] : N/A
Flammability (solid, gas) : N/A
Flash point [°C] : N/A
Product Short Description: It is an organic compound with a carboxyl group on a pyridine ring. It is an isomer of nicotinic acid — the carboxyl group for isonicotinic acid is on the 4-position instead of the 3-position for nicotinic acid.
Product Short Description: Chloramine-T is Disinfectant Chemicals.The Relative Name of Chloramine-T is 127-65-1, Chloralone, Chlorozone, CHLORAMINE T, Tosylchloramide sodium, Chlorasan,