Ice Machine Cleaning Liquid Nickel Safe



Product Short Description: Nickel Safe Ice Machine Cleaner is Suitable to clean deposits of black mildew by killing bacteria & spores as well as mineral scale deposits.
Product Technical Specification:
Appreance : Clear Liquid
Odour : Neutral
pH : <1.0
Soecific Gravity : More than 1
Viscocity : 25 cps
Boiling Point : 108 °C
Flash Point : Not Applicable
Solubility in Water : 100 % in any ratio

How to Cleane Ice Maker Machine?

1st for Ice Maker Component Cleaning: Dip BATH process.
Takes 100 ml of  RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner for 3 Ltr  of warm water in plastic container and immerse components in solution. Soak the components until they are free of deposits; for stubborn or thick deposits use a soft brush to help the dissolving action

2nd for Circulation system Cleaning: Recirculation Method.

Use 100 to 150 ml of RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner in 3 Ltr water in the machine. Allow cleaning solution to circulate for up to 10-20 minutes; it may be necessary to recirculate the solution for longer than 10 minutes to remove heavier and thicker scale deposits. Be sure all distribution and weep holes are clear.


How to Cleane Ice Maker Machine?

1st for Ice Maker Component Cleaning: Dip BATH process.
Takes 100 ml of  RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner for 3 Ltr  of warm water in plastic container and immerse components in solution. Soak the components until they are free of deposits; for stubborn or thick deposits use a soft brush to help the dissolving action

2nd for Circulation system Cleaning: Recirculation Method.

Use 100 to 150 ml of RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner in 3 Ltr water in the machine. Allow cleaning solution to circulate for up to 10-20 minutes; it may be necessary to recirculate the solution for longer than 10 minutes to remove heavier and thicker scale deposits. Be sure all distribution and weep holes are clear.

How Scale formed in Ice Maker Machine?

Dissolved Mineral or presence of mineral present in water is cause of SCALE FORMATION in ICE MAKER. Water tries to freeze in its pure state, while mineral present in water getting precipitate. As the cycle continues and more water is made into ice, the minerals over concentrate and eventually precipitate as a lime scale deposit.

Why Regular Cleaning of SCALE is essential from Ice Maker?

Continiue deposition of minearal scale, obstracting water flow from holes, which causes reduction of ICE HARVEST. Extra deposition of scale makes ICE MAKER jam eventually the machine will shut down. This is reason why Once the machine is scaled up, it must be cleaned.
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Lithium Bromide Water solution



Product Short Description: Inorganic solution used as desiccate medium in Air conditioning and cooling systme
Product Technical Specification:
Product Name            Lithium Bromide Water solution
Part Number RXSOL-39-9001-025
Chemical Formula LiBr
Chemical Family Inorganic Bromide
CAS No  7550-35-8
Molecular Weight 86.85
Type of product and use Inorganic solution used as desiccate medium in air conditioning and cooling systems.

Also keeping ready stock of Lithium Bromide Anhydrous 

CAS No. : 7550-35-8

Molecular Formula : LiBr

Sr Test Specifications
1 Appearance White granular powder
2 Odour Odourless
3 Specific Gravity 3.5 g/cc
4 Water solubility % wt @ 25°C 61
5 PH 7
6 Moisture 0.05% Max.

Lithium Bromide, Lithium Bromide 55% & Lithium Bromide Anhydrous Manufacture and Supply by our company with affordable and compititive price.

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Redkleen RX 400 Radiator Flush Cleaner



Product Short Description: Redkleen RX 400 ( Radiator Flush & Clean) is a non-acidic radiator and cooling system cleaner that effectively cleans in one simple 20-minute operation
Product Technical Specification:

Physical Properties and Tecnical Specification

Appreance : Liquid
Colour : Clear, Brown
Odour : Odourless
pH : Alkaline
Flash point : Not flamable
Boiling Point   109 °C
Freezing point   NA
Solubility in Water   Soluble in any ratio
Other Grades of Radiator cleaner 

1) Acidic Radiator Cleaner: For Heavy scales and dirt (PH : 1.0 to 3.0)     ::: RXSOL-16-2697-025 ( Acidic )
2) Basic Radiator Cleaner (Conditioner): For Light scale and dirt (PH : 9.0 to 12.0)  ::: RXSOL-40-4051-025 ( Alkaline )
3) Special Type of Radiator Cleaner in powder form 

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Radiator Cleaner Acidic



Product Short Description: This is specially formulated for use as radiator cleaner.Radiator cleaner removes the dirt, grease, scale, grime & solder from the engine cooling system. Radiator cleaner is a powerful cleaning agent not only for the automobile engine but can be used for the steam tube and boiler tube etc. Radiator
Product Technical Specification:

Specification :
Appearance : Clear Liquid
Specific Gravity : > 1.0
PH : 1.0 to 2.0

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Coil Brite RXSOL Yellow



Product Short Description: For cleaning of aluminum heat transfer coils of dirt, oil, and scale,.Developed for TOUGH CLEANING PROBLEM
Product Technical Specification:


Color Yellow
Odor  Normal
Water Solubility 100%
Density      1.01
Freeze Point   28B F

Coil Bright is chemically Alu minium Bright chemicals.

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Coil Brite RX PINK



Product Short Description: Designed to clean aluminum heat transfer coils of dirt, oil, and scale. COIL BRITE RX is also effective in cleaning stainless steel and fiberglass.
Product Technical Specification:


Color Pink
Odor  Normal
Water Solubility 100%
Density      1.24
Freeze Point   28B F
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C SHINE Alkaline Coil Cleaner



Product Short Description: Alkaline-based ceaner with a strong foaming action designed to rapidly emulsify greasy soils and oxidation…thereby leaving coils dirt-free and shining. suitable product for cleaning air-cooled condensers, permanent filters and other finned heating and cooling coils.
Product Technical Specification:


APPEARANCE…..Clear Brownish Liquid
ODOR               …..Fresh
pH                     …..13.50

Other Grade of Coil Cleaner ::: 

Coil Brite Rx Yellow -  Part No.- RXSOL-16-1680-005  ---

Coil Cleaner - Part No.- RXSOL-41-8672-025 ---

Coil Cleaner ( Non Rinsing Type ) - Part No. - RXSOL-16-1697-025 ---

Condenser Coil Cleaner  - Part No.- RXSOL-50-5015-025 ---

Evaporator Coil Cleaner :::  Part No.- RXSOL-51-6004-025  ---

Coil Cleaner Free from ACID ::: Part No.- RXSOL-16-1082-025 ---

C-SHINE Alkaline coil cleaner ::: Part No- RXSOL-16-1668-025 ---


C SHINE coil cleaner specialized to remove dirt deposits, oily and greasy deposition from Condenser and Cooling coils. C-shine is specialized cleaning Chemical for Air Conditioner  cleaning and Coil Cleaning.

C-Shine contains powerful selected alkaline additives with wetting agent and surfactant which helps to penetrates and remove dirt, grease and oil accumulation on evaporators and condenser coils quickly.

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Coil Cleaner Air Conditioning System



Product Short Description: This is specially formulated for use as a coil cleaner and filter adhesive for cooling coils of the air- conditioning systems.
Product Technical Specification:


Heavy foaming action.
Solvent-Acid blend (pH: <2.0).
Removes oxidation - Brightens aluminum.
Bright pink liquid.



Low pressure, acid resistant tank sprayers are recommended.
Regardless of application method, avoid inhalation of mist or contact of liquid or mist with skin.


  •  When handling RXSOL-16-1697-005 or any other strong chemical, be sure to wear chemical imperviousgloves,apron and splash goggles.
  • Determine required dilution ratio for the specific application. It is recommended to start with a dilution ratio of 10:1 and increase concentration until the desired results are achieved.
  • As with mixing all acids, place the desired amount of water into the tank and then add RXSOL-16-1697-005.
  •   Turn off fans and allow hot coils to cool before applying.
  • Using plain water, wet both the condenser coil as well as the area surrounding the equipment. Wetting the coil with water aids in product penetration and performance.
  • Apply the properly diluted product to the coil surface. Whenever possible, apply solution from the outlet side of the coil. Allow product to remain on surface, normally 5-10 minutes. Do not allow product to dry on the coil. Note: In extreme cases, application may have to be repeated to achieve desired results.
  • If foaming does not occur, check for extreme grease buildup which will slow cleaning process. Foaming may not occur if coil is coated or painted.
  •   Rinse coils, tools and surrounding area thoroughly after completing the coil cleaning process
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Radiator Coolant 20% Conc.



Product Short Description: Suitable to add to the cooling water of internal combustion engines for excellent protection against cavitation and corrosion to all metals and alloys that are used in cooling systems.It is especially appropiate for the use in heavy-duty engines such as those used in trucks, ships and lokomotives.
Product Technical Specification:
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Aluminium Brightner Alu Brite



Product Short Description: Effective product to acts as Aluminium Brightner, Effectively Removes OXIDE and other SMOKE, road film. For non-polished areas to be cleaned with Aluminum Cleaner
Product Technical Specification:

Other Grades

More then twenty years of solving our customers' cleaning challenges makes us leader for RXSOL total cleaning solution. We have various grade of Aluminium cleaning agent to solve various field and application...


It is a clear liquid, which contains inorganic acids and specialty additives that are specifically blended into a stable, highly active concentrate for the cleaning and brightening of the
aluminum surfaces and removal of light rust. This acidic etch cleaner quickly removes the oxidation and restores the bright surface. Product is low foaming in use and offers different level of dilution with water
depending on the nature of the de-scaling, de-smutting to be achieved.: METKLEEN is a clear liquid, which contains inorganic acids and specialty additives that
are specifically blended into a stable, highly active concentrate for the cleaning and brightening of the
aluminum surfaces and removal of light rust. This acidic etch cleaner quickly removes the oxidation and
restores the bright surface. Product is low foaming in use and offers different level of dilution with water
depending on the nature of the de-scaling, de-smutting to be achieved.
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