Categories: Lab Chemical-60
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Product Short Description: LEAD CARBONATE LR
Product Description:

Lead carbonate is used as a catalyst to polymerize formaldehyde to poly(oxymethylene). It improves the bonding of chloroprene to wire.

Product Application:

Catalyzes the polymerization of formaldehyde to high molecular weight crystalline poly(oxymethylene) products; used in poly(vinyl chloride) friction liners for pulleys on drive cables of hoisting engines; to improve the bond of polychloroprene to metals in wire-reinforced hoses, 10-25 parts of lead carbonate are used ...

Product Dose:

Lead carbonate hydroxide has had a widespread use as pigment in house paint in some countries, and weathering, chalking, and peeling paint may cause heavy exposure (Rosner et al., 2005). Organolead added to gasoline used to be another large-scale source of exposure.

Product Note:

The commercial form of lead acetate, lead acetate trihydrate, is used as a mordant in textile printing and dyeing, as a lead coating for metals, as a drier in paints, varnishes, and pigment inks, and as a colorant in hair dyes 

Product Technical Specification:
Product Supply Location:
[LEAD CARBONATE LR] manufacturers, suppliers, exporters in Mumbai, Gandhidham, Kolkata, Varanasi, Visakhapatnam, Chennai, Fujairah, Dubai, Canada BC, Barka, Sohar, Muscat, Oman.
Lab chemicals manufacturers, suppliers, exporters in India, UAE Middle East, Barka, Sohar, Muscat, Oman, Canada.
[LEAD CARBONATE LR] is available in small packing as well as in bulk. Buy premium quality [LEAD CARBONATE LR] and other lab chemicals from one of the most trusted brands.
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