Buffer Cleaner
Oman Chemical is leading one Largest Supplier, Manufacture a
While high quality glycol solution may last for years, improper maintenance or chemical contaminants will significantly shorten fluid life. Rxsol pH Buffer with Corrosion Inhibitor serves as a good barometer for the condition of the glycol and is best measured with a field pH meter. Although Rxsol pH Buffer with Corrosion Inhibitor is primarily used as a function of the pH Corrector and secondry as a corrosion inhibitor. And therefore, will vary from product to product, a few rules of thumb will be helpful in determining what constitutes proper pH. Most concentrated inhibited glycols have a pH in the 9.0 to 10.5 range.When diluted in a 30% to 50% solution, the pH falls to between 8.0 to 9.0.A pH reading below 8.0 indicates that a significant portion of the inhibitor has been depleted and that more inhibitor needs to be added. When a pH reading of the mixture falls below 6.0, it is recommended to replace the fluid. A pH value of less than 6.0 indicates that oxidation of the glycol has occured. The system should be drained & flushed before several system damage occurs. The Rxsol pH Buffer with Corrosion Inhibitor maintaine the pH level of Glycol and as a pH booster with corrosion inhibitor.