Images Title SKU Categories Product Short Description
Alt BenzalKonium Chloride BKC RXSOL-12-1599-050 Detergent & Soap-12 Benzalkonium salts are widely used as disinfectants, biocides and detergents, among a variety of oth
Alt Enviro Guard Sulfite RXSOL-23-1305-025 Ballast Tank Chem-23 Removal of chlorine, After 25 seconds of contact, catalyzed sodium sulfite removed the chlorine cont
Alt Turbine Condenser Cleaner RXSOL-37-5015-025 Power Plant / Heavy Industries-37 It is a specially engineered condenser coil cleaner and brightener.
Alt Marine Growth Cleaner RXSOL-25-4038-025 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 Cleaning agent can perfectly clean off all kinds of marine fouling such as sticky matter and ooze at
Alt Demineralised Water D.M WATER RXSOL-25-2204-005 Hand Wash / Personal care-14 Extremely high quality.
Alt Fuel Additive 2020 RXSOL-25-7006-030 Deck cabin galley Maintenance-25 Fuel additive for precipitation and deposition of asphaltenes or sludge
Alt BTC Zyme RXSOL-40-1496-001 Sewage Chemicals Treatment-40 Zyme BTC is a unique biological active liquid formulation containing specialized bacterial strains,
Alt Ultrasonic Cleaner PD 200 RXSOL-37-8660-030 Power Plant / Heavy Industries-37 Heavy-duty Degreasing and Carbon dust or burned oil removal. Special design for engine parts
Alt FIN FAN Coil Cleaner RXSOL-37-1697-220 Power Plant / Heavy Industries-37 COOLER Cleaner specially formulated for use as a coil cleaner and filter adhesive for cooling coils