Categories: Lab Chemical-60
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Product Short Description: FOLIC ACID FOR BIOCHEMISTRY
Product Description:

Folic acid is known as vitamin B9 which has vital functions. Our body needs folic acid for the synthesis, repair, and methylation of DNA. Moreover, it acts as a cofactor in many vital biological reactions. Folate has an important role in cell division and it is especially needed during infancy and pregnancy.

Product Application:

Folic acid is an important vitamin for both men and women. Getting enough folic acid can help decrease the risk of birth defects, and it may improve sperm count in men. They do make fertility supplements for men and women who are trying to conceive, but they are not all equal.

Product Dose:

You should not get more than 1,000 micrograms of folic acid a day, unless your doctor prescribes a higher amount. Too much folic acid can hide signs that you lack vitamin B12, which can cause nerve damage.

Product Note:

folic acid contributes in synthesis of DNA and repair of DNA and methylate DNA and also acts as a cofactor in certain biological reactions (Weinstein et al., 2003). Basically, it is essential in abetting rapid cell division and growth, likewise in infancy and pregnancy.

Product Technical Specification:
Product Supply Location:
FOLIC ACID FOR BIOCHEMISTRY  manufacturers, suppliers, exporters in Mumbai, Gandhidham, Kolkata, Varanasi, Visakhapatnam, Chennai, Fujairah, Dubai, Canada BC, Barka, Sohar, Muscat, Oman.
Lab chemicals manufacturers, suppliers, exporters in India, UAE Middle East, Barka, Sohar, Muscat, Oman, Canada.
FOLIC ACID FOR BIOCHEMISTRY  is available in small packing as well as in bulk. Buy premium quality FOLIC ACID FOR BIOCHEMISTRY  and other lab chemicals from one of the most trusted brands.
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